
Tips to choose a puppy of Lagotto Romagnolo. Characteristics of the breed. Lagotto Romagnolo suitable for families and children. Lagotto Romagnolo Serious farms.

Lagotto Romagnolo puppy booking | Breeder Valle dei Medici.

photo lagotto romagnolo

Reserving one of our puppies, especially made without making a visit with us is definitely an act of mutual trust.

The inability to make a visit is often due to distance. However, a good friendly phone conversation, sometimes a video call allows us to exchange useful information to understand the family’s expectation of the new puppy.

We are able to make clear what we do here and what health and socialization aspects we follow with the highest attention.

The price of one of our puppies is intentionally not listed on this site. We also do not give the price by email or whatsapp.

The reason for this choice is not a marketing operation or an inexplicable strategy.

We fully understand that puppy price is an important piece of information, but it only comes into play after we feel that our contact person is suitable for one of our Lagotto puppies.

We want to have information about our puppy’s new family. We want to be able to have our say and do the best we are allowed for the future well-being of our puppies, the children of our Lagottos.

miglior allevamento lagotto romagnolo

So avoid superficial buyers who by asking themselves few questions about their situation and ability to take in a dog decide they have that budget for the puppy and if the price is right they think “the deal” is done.

well understand what I mean,  the many people who write to us about their family or call us to inquire precisely about the aspects that lead to the adoption of a puppy.

Those who book the puppy will certainly have to wait some time to have it in their home, on the other hand it gives us useful information to evaluate îthe temperament of the puppy for that specific family throughout the growing up period here with us.



How we make the puppy choice.

Puppy choice occurs around the 50th day of life.Svizzere lagotto Brown marrona

The main goal is to identify dominant and more closed puppies.

Every day we evaluate their behavior. When they are the right age they are taken individually and offered new things.

And then, the puppy who together with his siblings was playing devil’s advocate, taken on his own is very shy.

Testing is not done once. Even for puppies, not every day is the same.

The Lagotto’s natural reserve in facing new situations should never result in fear.

Puppies that require more attention and care will need to receive it here with us in order to be ready when they have to leave us and face placement elsewhere with other people.

fotografie lagotto romagnoloWe are often told that the previous dog was the one who first approached, or we are asked precisely to do this test with our puppies to leave the evaluation to the future owner. We don’t.

This unfortunately takes away some of the romance aspect of the choice, but we know that a puppy who remains somewhat secluded at that time may simply have eaten more than his siblings and be in a moment of digestion. He may simply have played a lot before these people arrived and not feel like doing anything else.

Lagotto romagnolo zurigoIn any case, it often happens that when the puppies are already about 45 days old we agree to do a trial together with the future family. It will be three or four puppies, generally either all male or all female if the family has clear ideas about the sex of the future puppy. With our supervision and choosing puppies that we feel are suitable for the future situation we accommodate preferences and leave the romantic aspect of… “he chose us!”

A more open or more closed temperament can be a plus in one situation and a flaw in another.

lagotto agility dog stella

Lagotto Romagnolo Agility Dog

There are many activities we can do with our Lagotto.

Lagotto Romagnolo truffle dog, very true, but not only!

With such a versatile dog there are many activities we can do with him. Pleasant, carefree moments that strengthen friendship and complicity with one’s Lagotto.

The sport that certainly can be done with the Lagotto is Agility dog.

As early as a few years ago, a lady with one of our Lagottas had sent me a video of her and the Lagottina trying their hand at this sport.

Our Stella started doing this activity with Martina. They both come back overjoyed, relaxed and satisfied. Armed with prizes it will also be an important training session.

Lagotto Romagnolo agility dog

Where join the Agility Dog

sport with lagotto agility dog

You are sure to find dog training and agility dog centers near you. They are indoor and/or outdoor environments. So if you are lucky we can do this almost year round. The staff is usually knowledgeable and they usually combine basic training sessions.

The cost for an hour is low. Definitely worth a trial, usually free to see if we like it.

The center where Stella goes, Sporting Dog Valdisieve ASD, offers various sports, socialization and education activities.

At what age of the dog can you do agility dog.

You can certainly introduce some early exercises and equipment at a young age. However, it is good to do sports activities with a healthy Dog that has already developed its skeletal and muscular structure. Basically after the age of one year.

kennel lagotto romagnolo Italy

Lagotto Romagnolo: Curiosities and things to know

As of 2020, specimens of Lagotto Romagnolo running around our cities have increased dramatically. Just 10 years ago meeting a Lagotto was a rarity. You would often be stopped by people curious about the curly-haired dog with the usual question: Is it a poodle.

Now the Lagotto Romagnolo is recognized by most at first sight. One can find many of them both in the city and in the country.

Due to its increased notoriety there are many websites dealing with dog breeds that provide information about the Lagotto Romagnolo.

Facebook groups dedicated to the Lagotto have always been there, but the community is now much larger.

The information provided is sometimes conflicting, incomplete or even completely false.

Here are some things to know that may be helpful before deciding to get a Lagotto Romagnolo as a pet dog.

Little bark: wary dog

The Lagotto Romagnolo is not a barking dog.

To get your attention he usually does not use barking. It usually finds other ways and in any case rarely resorts to barking.

In the breed standard, however, it is called a warning dog.

This means that unexpected noise in or near the property is perceived by the Lagotto as a source of stress to which he generally responds with constant barking.

To give a personal example. our Lagots often bark when we receive visitors. Although they are used to it, they usually alert us by barking.

We may not use the bell!

After a few tens of seconds everything returns to normal. The situation is known to them. They hear our voice, dialogue, and then those who are currently in the garden run to us to receive cuddles from visitors as well.

Doesn’t like to dig: stress issue or selection?

I have read in many places that the Lagotto would be a dog that loves to dig.

This statement is usually superficially explained by the association with the truffle dog and digging.

There are many Lagottos that trained to recognize the smell of truffles do not have an immediate reflex to use their paws to do the rasping. Some dogs we really have to teach them. They try to do everything with their mouths. Other times surrendered in not seeing the truffle despite smelling it they simply sit there pointing to the area and waiting for the man to do the rest.

The Lagotto Romagnolo generally digs in the garden because it smells particular odors.

Often it is the lizard hunt that he really enjoys.

This I assure you, however, also happens with dogs of other breeds.

Other times unfortunately it is loneliness. The Lagotto needs the presence of his human companion. The one or those who have desired him. Then unfortunately the family routine or special events have relegated him to the background….

then yes! The Lagotto dog digs out of stress. But the problem is not with the Dog….

Robust dog: a healthy dog

Yes it is! He has no particular health problems.

He does not suffer from the cold. Much more so the heat.

Athletic and performing, he is a dog that we can call HEALTHY.

There are some genetic disorders in the breed that must be genetically tested to rule them out in offspring. Likewise, dysplasias must be monitored before promoting a dog to breeding.

He loves his family: let’s devote time to him!

A happy Lagotto is a dog that participates in family activities.

Meek in temperament, it loves its family and therefore loves to be with children as well.

He loves walks with his family on or off leash. As a working dog he needs to be mentally engaged and stimulated.

However, it is not true that he has to go for hours of walks daily.

If you do them better, even for you….

But it is not mandatory to do them every day, and for so long.

We enjoy our dog by keeping him with us and doing things with him.

We often do gardening together and have a great time!

He is an intelligent dog: working dog

The temperament of the Lagotto is truly special!

Affectionate and eager to make his owner happy. Stimulate him and he will be an obedient and happy dog.

He will know how to do agility, pet therapy, find on rubble . Anything that will make him use his excellent sense of smell will please him and increase his desire to do well.

doesn’t shed hair: no shedding

Absolutely true!

Sometimes people ask me: but does he really not shed a single hair? That’s right.

On the flip side, we will have to groom him and have year-round hair management, also in relation to the seasons.

He loves water: an ancestral call

Working dog that loves water.

No matter what the temperature is outside. Any opportunity is good to dive in.

Here’s another thing to do with our Lagotto Romagnolo….better than a walk for sure!



Why sterilise your dog

Neutering a dog mainly protects him from tumours. For the female these are tumours of the uterus and udder, for the male tumours of the testicles and prostate.

Mother Nature takes her course and would like females with puppies twice a year. This, however, is very bad. It would soon debilitate the females and shorten their lives.

The dog is not a wolf.

The Lagotto does not even resemble the Wolf. The Lagotto Romagnolo, and the dog in general, is a domestic animal that lives in a family and does not have the rules and hierarchies of a pack. Hierarchies that also regulate mating within the pack and which consequently determine the selection of the species.

Man’s intervention on a domestic animal such as the dog is necessary to try to prevent certain pathologies deriving from the lack of reproduction of the female in particular, but also of the male.

This remains the main and perhaps only reason, sorry if it is not enough, to convince people to sterilise their dogs.

When to sterilise your dog

I have searched for information and I have also consulted directly or indirectly with some vets. Unfortunately there are no univocal lines of thought on when to sterilise the dog and each one has its advantages and disadvantages.

For the male the operation is very simple and requires little time to recover. The operation can be done at any time, there is no reproductive cycle to take into account.

In general, early castration in males is not recommended.

But from 3-4 years of age it is worthwhile.

For the female after the operation it takes a few days to recover and overcome the pain in the abdomen. Early sterilisation of females significantly reduces the risk of tumours in later life.

But how early?

I believe that the evaluation must also take into account the breed. For the Lagotto Romagnolo I would avoid surgery before one year of age. The first year of age is fundamental for physical development in a breed exposed to dysplasia. It can also be a traumatic experience from a character point of view, which in my opinion should be postponed until after one year of age.

Sterilisation of the female takes place 2-3 months after the last heat.

Our females, once the reproductive activity is over, after the 5th litter, are sterilised.

The breeder’s code of ethics requires that females should not be reproduced after 5 litters.

Contraindications to sterilisation

If we exclude the minimum risk due to a surgical intervention, even if it is trivial, there are no contraindications to sterilisation.

The tendency to put on weight after sterilisation is not something that I have seen in my females, although obviously we always pay a lot of attention to this aspect.

Taboos and rumours

There are some taboos to overcome on this subject. That of going against nature. Briefly, I would say that nature is quite ruthless with regard to reproduction, two litters a year means exhausting the females to the point of shortening their lives. Overcome this taboo considering that the dog is a domestic animal.

The idea of having the female breed at least once to protect her from tumours is a widespread but unfounded consideration. Neutering certainly has benefits, one pregnancy in a lifetime, it is not clear why it should mark the female against tumours if the poor thing continues to have two heats a year for the rest of her life.

first journey with lagotto pup

Preparing to Welcome Your Lagotto Puppy

The arrival of a puppy at home is a subject we have already covered in the past. Several years have passed since that article, although it is obviously still valid.

However, there are many families who ask us for more precise details about the size of the carrier and how to organise the first trip with the puppy. What to expect, what the puppy’s reaction will be, and other information that we will try to give in this article.

What items are needed for the journey and on arrival

The travel bag or carrier

The best way for your puppy to travel by car is on the back seat in a cloth travel bag.

The bag or carrier should be openable at the sides and top.

This allows the second passenger to comfortably comfort the puppy. If a car journey is followed by a flight, the bag will be indispensable.

The measurements of the bag are for a 70-day-old puppy weighing 5-7 kg. In the case of a puppy for some foreign countries, i.e. at least 15 weeks old, the bag will be for a puppy weighing around 7-9 kg.

As it is often the case that some people also want to equip themselves with a kennel for an adult Lagotto, the measurements of the carrier will be about 60×40 cm and 50 cm high. Larger sizes are not convenient as they perform worse in protecting the dog during turns or other events.

The blanket

Using a blanket with mum’s scent can help give your puppy peace of mind. Useful in puppies as young as 70 days old that are less open to new things.

The blanket will be passed over the mother on the day the puppy is picked up.


The puppy will certainly not play on its first car journey, but as we will need to buy toys for its arrival home, we remain convinced that the tennis ball and a Kong are more than enough. For more details see the article on toys for Lagotto puppies.


We have also written an article on this subject, but our suggestion is to take a Retriever leash.

A harness is not recommended up to a year old. If the puppy proves, as is often the case, that it can keep up with the pace without any major jerking, an exception can be made and the harness can be used.


For particularly long journeys, it is advisable to carry a bowl and a bottle of water.

Feeding during the journey

When handing over the puppy, try to leave it on an empty stomach for at least 6-7 hours. The agitation and stress of the journey will undoubtedly lead to regurgitation. For the same reason, even if the journey is particularly long, it is wise not to feed the puppy during the journey:

do not give the puppy any food during the journey.

The fact that when the puppy arrives at its new home it wants to eat and finds it is positive in many ways.

We always give a one-kilo sack on the day the kitten is picked up. Now that I am writing this article, it is included in the Puppy Kit, but if things change in the future, we will continue with this good habit.

1 kg of kibble is enough for 4-5 days. In other words, there is no urgent need to buy a large bag for the puppy. If possible we will continue with the trend that we are using at the moment, vice versa we will use the feed taken from the kennel to make a gradual transition to the new brand.


I believe and hope I have not forgotten anything. The last recommendation is to stay calm, even if the moment has been so long awaited and it will not be easy to control the strong emotion.

I only remember one puppy that got confused during the return trip, Snoopy, actually took a while to accept the separation. For the rest, Lagotto puppies like children let themselves sleep in the car and after a few minutes of bewilderment and great stress they let themselves go. They spend most of the journey sleeping or being pampered.

  • Travel bag or carrier
  • Retriever leash
  • Cover
  • Kong and tennis ball
  • Bowl and water bottle
tools to groom lagotto romagnolo

Tools to Groom the Lagotto

Lagotto dog grooming is an activity that every owner can do on his own. The reasons can be many, from pastime, to the desire to try this practice or to keep your dog aesthetically in order with greater flexibility and frequency, compared to having to take him to a groomer when you just can’t take him anymore.

Many of the owners of our Lagotto want to try and do some retouching and gaining confidence and seeing their dog’s results and behaviour improve, they often continue.

If you are reading this article you are certainly interested in understanding what a good grooming equipment is, a compromise with professional equipment but sufficient to care for the curly hair of your Lagottino with excellent results.

Before going into the actual equipment, trying to give references both as brands and prices, remember that it will be necessary to wash the dog.

A bath based on shampoo for dogs and a conditioner to make the hair clean and easy to cut. It can also be easily done in the bathtub at home.

The comb will slide more easily and we will not risk to remove the sharpening of the cutting tools due also to light dirt.

Grooming tools: table

tavolo per toelettare

The Grooming Table

The Grooming Table is certainly indispensable to work in a certain harmony. The main feature is to be able to hold the dog firmly enough to cut. The first few times the dog will not be completely at ease but he will soon get used to it, making the operations much easier and more effective.

A table with an arm and lockable table like the one in the picture has a price around 80 euros or a little more.

It is a basic table, but it allows you to do your work very well and is easily transportable. Going up in price there are pneumatic tables. These are raised and lowered, but cannot be transported. Instead, they can rotate to position the dog quickly to one side or the other to simplify the process.

As for the laces, the ones supplied are made of fabric and can be inadvertently cut with scissors. Soon it will be necessary to switch to hard plastic ones with rubber head support.

Grooming tools: Comb and brush

cardatore toelettare


pettine toelettare

Steel tooth comb

The brush or carder is not necessary to keep the hair of the pond tidy. On the contrary, they are to be avoided in order not to smooth the hair and lose the typical hedgehog of the breed. However, when grooming, the carder can be useful for thinning the hair in certain critical points. It is also useful to raise the hair of the tail and give it a uniform shape. The comb like the one in the photo remains the main tool to manage the coat of the Lagotto Romagnolo.

The prices of both the carder and the comb do not reach 10 euros each.

Grooming tools: Hemostatic ear hair tongs

pinza peli cane emostatica

Hemostatic pliers for inner ear hair

In the picture, the hemostatic clamp is very useful to remove the hair growing inside the earcup. To be handled with great care but really effective. The block on the scissor rod allows you to be very precise for excellent cleaning.

These pliers are easily found at a price of less than 10 euros.

Cutting grooming tools: scissors.

There are also many types of scissors and the quality of the steel used makes all the difference. Both in price and ease of work.

The scissors to be used are straight or straight scissors with a length of about 20 cm. We can also equip ourselves with a second shorter scissors to be more precise in sculpting the head and following the anatomy of the dog near the shoulders and on the back. Excessively cheap scissors are generally not very durable and not very precise.

A good scissor has a price around 40 euros.

Obviously the scissors need to be resharpened and it is not easy to find someone who knows how to sharpen scissors, but it is worth a try.

The cost of sharpening scissors is about 3 euros.

Cutting grooming tools: clippers and heads.

Among the best-known brands of clippers are Moser, Aesculap and Heininger. They all use interchangeable heads, except for a few models of the Aesculap.

The Moser 45 with wire is priced at just over 100 euros and is sufficiently valid.

Probably the most widely used amateur level. The prices of the Aesculap and the Heininger are much higher, especially if we aim at battery-powered models. After years of use of the Moser 45 we have opted for the Heninger Saphir and it is a really nice, comfortable, light and durable battery pack. Of course the cost is justified by the number of our Lagotto.

For the heads, on the other hand, it is worth spending a few words on ceramic blades.  The ceramic blades are much more durable and above all they heat very little and avoid burns to our dog. Let’s remember to use the lubricating oil for shearing machine at a cost of about 10 euro.

For the shearing of Lagotto the blades number 7 – 7F (about 3 mm) are very good for shearing and to keep the belly clean even when we opt for a grooming instead of the complete shearing.

The cost of the complete blades is around 35 euros, something more for ceramic blades, but in my opinion they are to be recommended.

There are also other grooming tools from Lagotto that can be useful in case you need them, nail scissors or lower blades like the 10 to finish the feet and belly. But with the grooming equipment described above we will be able, with a little experience, to achieve excellent results in complete autonomy.

A certainty as an element of tranquillity:

The hair of your Lagotto will grow back, and any grooming mistakes will soon be remedied.



Lagotto Truffle Dog Puppy

When we receive requests for a Cucciolo di Lagotto Romagnolo truffle puppy we try to satisfy the future owner.  It is important to us that our puppy can show his skills and be appreciated. It is important for the Cucciolo and it is also important for those who have chosen us.

For us it is important to understand who our puppies are entrusted to. All the more so for a puppy who will go truffle. The risks that he will not be considered as a member of the family are greater.

Being an excellent Lagotto Romagnolo pet doesn’t take anything away from his truffle making skills. Unfortunately not everyone thinks so, but I think they are wrong.

Our puppies are given to those who consider them family members.

Only then are we happy if they are also taken to look for truffles.

Having verified that the request we receive for a truffle dog is part of what has just been said, we try to give our best.

We try to find the puppy that shows the most passion.  Since he is a puppy, we start looking for truffles with a special eye.

Among the many games and experiences that we make with our puppies to start them in a positive way in their growth and socialization, there is never a truffle ball missing.

I really like to see how the puppies are placed and relate to a scent that is in their DNA for this breed. Soon you can see the differences, the vocation of each one. The will and the attention that he puts into making these simple games.

Before delivering “the truffle puppy” we are quite sure of its dowry. He is a puppy who has learned to look and rasp. He often already knows how to bring back a few balls because he has understood that truffles bring prizes and cuddles. We are always available to support the puppy’s training even when he has reached his new family. Often these are simple tips to avoid regressing in training and continue straight to the most important obstacle: the truffle in natural truffle-grounds.

Lagotto Puppy Company Dog

More and more families have had the opportunity to meet some examples of Lagotto Romagnolo . In parks or at friends’ houses. They have documented the character and qualities of Lagotto Romagnolo. They could not resist the charm of this fantastic breed.

Those who approach this breed for the first time, fear that they will not be able to make their four-legged companion happy. They think that the Lagotto Romagnolo can only be had by those who take it for truffles.

Can we consider the equation: Lagotto Romagnolo equals truffle dog?

In reality, even in the Lagotto Romagnolo breed we hear more and more frequently about bloodlines.

We do not want to transform an excellent Lagotto pet dog into a mediocre Lagotto truffle dog.

Every Lagotto Romagnolo can do without truffles.

There are more lively dogs and others quieter. Both require the daily attention of their family, to have fun with them, and nothing more.

I have seen for myself that there are some puppies and big puppies that for temperament and character are not interested in going through the woods to look for truffles. They prefer the sofa!

During the 70 days of living together, we can understand the aptitudes of each individual puppy. We always want to choose the puppy together.

The availability of space and time of the family, the presence of children and also the dynamism of the future owners are elements that help us to identify the puppy to create the best man-dog combination.

Often the first thing that is asked is the colour of our puppies. We know that only after a few days of living together, the new families appreciate the sweetness, character and joyfulness of our puppies. That’s why they fall in love with them.

Stress in the Dog

I was waiting at the vet to have an ultrasound scan of my Lagotta. The usual anxiety when I go for ultrasound to confirm pregnancy. To deceive the wait and to think about something else, I take a magazine and start leafing through. Ah here is an interesting article on the stress of dogs. Let’s see if there are new things we don’t know.

Entrusting our Lagotto puppies to families who are often the first dog is a strong unknown for us. Generally everything goes well but inevitably mistakes are made due to inexperience.

Recognising the stress of the dog, what can cause it and how to manage it is certainly a subject dear to us.

It is difficult to think of the dog as a stressed being. We have the same difficulty in thinking that the families who take our puppies can be a source of stress for the Lagotto.

Their lives are generally affluent, covered in cuddles and attention, yet dogs are under stress. Sometimes they are short-lived and other times they take on chronic forms.

I read in the article that research has shown the connection between the brain and intestine and how a hormone is responsible for gastrointestinal disorders and diabetes.

A confirmation that from direct experience and by talking to veterinarians we had given as a matter of course…. better!

Causes of stress in dogs

A simple overview of what can be the sources of stress for our dog, or as in our case of the puppy.

  • For the Lagotto Romagnolo the novelty in general is almost always lived with mistrust. Changes in the living situation, changes in the family nucleus, changes in schedules and routine
  • Absence of venting valves such as walking, outdoor games, driving and racing.
  • Separation anxiety.
  • Loud noises such as thunder or fireworks.
  • Invasion of personal space such as interruption of rest, unwelcome hugs and kisses, physical constraint.
    Methods of coercive punishment are a strong source of stress inspired by loud noises and invasion of personal space. It goes without saying, however, that they should not be used.

How to recognize stress in the Dog: the signals

The ability to withstand stressful situations is subjective.

The following stress signals may also depend on other causes.

They are signs of discomfort that can be caused not only by stress.

Common sense and knowledge of the habits of our Lagotto should make us stand out if we are talking about stress or something else.

  • Yawning and a tendency to lick one’s nose as frequently as for men the dog is getting bored.
  • Low tail and between the legs, ears pulled back or squatting posture generally causes some fear.
  • Loss of appetite or diaree. In new situations such as the arrival in the new family is quite frequent. It is important to know the reason and help your puppy or dog brilliantly get through this moment. If the condition lasts longer than a few days, it is advisable to consult a vet.
  • Fatigue, tremor and increased vocalisation. If it’s just stress, the dog is psychologically weak and severely uncomfortable. It is very likely that there are competing causes to have created such a sad picture. It is essential to consult a vet to understand not only how to better manage the Lagotto dog but also other problems or pathologies.

How to manage the stress of an Italian Water Dog

The stress management strategies of a Dog are similar for other breeds. Knowing the breed and knowing that aggressiveness such as the attempt of continuous escapes is not part of the atavistic instincts of the Lagotto Romagnolo, we will focus on what is most relevant in our case.

  • Ensuring the safety of the Lagotto and the members of the family. Especially in the initial period after the arrival of the puppy, having a safe and comfortable place that can at certain times protect the puppy from the excessive attention of children ensures a balanced and serene growth.
  • Avoid excessive recalls (it is obviously subjective of the Dog) in moments of stress or depression.
  • Physical activity. As for humans, physical activity helps to free the mind and provides a feeling of physical pleasure.
  • Eliminate sources of stress wherever possible, even thunderstorms or fireworks can have less impact if lived alongside family members.
  • Gradual exposure to sources of stress. I am thinking for example of a car journey with your dog. For some dogs it is quite natural, for others they are often a strong source of stress. This is usually overcome by short trips and physical contact with family members. Slowly the problem is usually overcome. If at the end of the journey there is also fun to be had, the dog will soon associate the ride in

Tomorrow comes the puppy. Our first dog.

The day of the puppy’s arrival is approaching, it is the first dog in the family and some doubt as to what it will serve in the days to come assails us. Let’s do a quick review:

  • The puppy food, of the same brand and flavour used at the kennel. The puppy kit that is delivered with the puppy already contains food for a few days. The kibble we use is readily available from pet shops. A large bag also ensures good savings.
  • Pesticides When the puppy arrives in spring, summer and autumn they will soon be necessary. Our puppies are entrusted with treatments, but these will soon need to be repeated. Arrange for pesticides.
  • A game to relieve the stress of the first few days so as not to interfere with the teething process.
  • Identify the vet you trust if it is your first dog, but even if it is your first Lagotto, it is best to find out in advance who you are going to entrust with the health of your beloved Lagottino and inform them of its forthcoming arrival. In order to facilitate the task of both the veterinary surgeon and the future owner, we always write down in the puppy’s health booklet all the treatments, vaccinations received, the next deadlines and the results of the visit made by our veterinary surgeon.
  • Identify the space to be made available to the puppy. Possibly in a certain way. Second thoughts due to cramped management of needs in the first few weeks should be avoided.
  • Create its den. Its safe and quiet shelter equipped with a bowl for water and three times a day a bowl for kibble. Metal.

Leash. Even if you wait a few days to start this new experience, it is worth having it. Sometimes, during the journey, situations may arise where you need to keep your puppy safe. See a stop at a motorway service station.

The journey is always fun and the puppy is finally home.

During the journey, the puppy falls asleep in the arms and cuddles of its companion. And waking up is a complete novelty.

A surprise to get used to slowly.

  • Let him have the initiative. Give it time to get to know the environment. A timid start and then the puppy will begin its patrol. It will probably ask you, in its own way, to reassure it with a few cuddles, but let it look for us.
  • Let’s curb our enthusiasm. If possible, let’s hold back for a moment and slow down when introducing children. It is not easy, but it is good not to assault the puppy who is struggling to get through the moment. He will soon overcome his initial discomfort and understand that he is only receiving affection from you.
  • Days go by, a little pest that gets into everything? It’s not always like that, but your time is coming. Educate your puppy in the rules of the house. With the gentle manners a Lagotto requires of its owner. We’ll make him understand what’s allowed and what’s not.
  • Get it used to being alone.  If the puppy has to spend part of the day on its own, it is important to educate it from the start. For flat dwellers, the kennel is often the perfect den. It helps them to understand that their needs are outside. A few kibble and a few toys and the puppy will go in on its own. Without any problems it will fall asleep and have a peaceful stay even when we are not present.
  • Once the first few days have passed, we can start with the first walks on a leash.
  • Enrolling in a puppy class. The socialisation of the dog will give it an extra edge as an adult. Pay attention to the respect of the vaccination protocol knowing that attending with you other puppies and making experiences will help you to have a special relationship.


The puppy’s name is given at the time of microchipping. By law this is done by 60 days of age.

For purebred dogs, the paperwork for applying for pedigree often leads to the microchip being inoculated earlier.

Breeders who have an affix,

will also pass on to their puppy the name of the affix. A sort of surname that identifies the kennel of origin of the puppy. For this reason, criteria are introduced for naming the puppies. For example the same initial letter for the whole litter.

Our puppies have the suffix of our kennel “Valle dei Medici”. They are puppies that carry our name: “Valle dei Medici Giotto” for the dog for example whose name is Giotto.

Two puppies with the same initial letter and coming from the same kennel …are brothers!

When the puppies go to exhibitions as adults they are so easily recognisable. This helps to understand the value of the litter in terms of morphology and also of the parents in terms of offspring.

The initial letter is by far the most used criterion, but not the only one. It allows the puppies and their owners to be remembered over the years with a minimum of effort.

Our criterion for choosing a name for the puppies is to give the litter a theme. We often take advice and guidance on the theme. If we find that the person who has booked one of our puppies has a particular interest in the name for the dog and also a little imagination.

It is very common for dogs to be called by a name other than the one on the certificates. Danger averted, dogs cannot read and therefore the problem of the official dog name is minimal. For me, my name is David, but everyone calls me Yuri, it was and is a bit more complicated.

This is how the acronym AKA (Also Know As) was born. In Italian “also known as”.

If the kennel from which the puppy comes does not have an ENCI affix,

the puppy will have only one name. ENCI does not allow compound names to be given to the puppies. The timing for inoculating microchips and applying for pedigrees remains the same, of course.


The official puppy name can be chosen by the owner if we move before inoculating the microchip.

If the puppy comes from an affixed kennel we will be required to meet the breeding criteria.

We, as well as other breeders who are concerned about finding the most suitable accommodation for their puppies, reserve the right to inform the families which puppy will be in their litter.

We wait a few weeks after the birth to make evaluations on the character or morphology or its aptitude for truffles.

It depends on the composition of the family, the availability of space and time and the presence of children for a pet puppy. Different characteristics will be those for a Lagotto puppy for show or breeding or that will also go truffling.

In these cases the name of the puppy will be chosen by the breeder without any emotional consequences for the puppy.

The Lagotto’s name will be the one he hears himself called every day.


Whether it is the official name or not we will still have to go through the process of naming the puppy. A dilemma just like when you have to choose a name for your children. Female names for female dogs or thunderous names for male dogs.

A trivial search on the internet reveals endless lists of names for female dogs and names for male dogs. Sometimes instead of helping they confuse ideas, other times they put us on the right track.

Animalpedia has given importance to this topic. By going to their site and searching for the keyword “Dog Names” various articles and Name Lists come up.

I found it nice and imaginative. Names of Famous Dogs, Names for Dogs in French or other languages, Names for short and long dogs, names of dogs selected by breed. Names for cute and affectionate dogs just like the Lagotto. There’s something for everyone, and hopefully it will help.

We’ll avoid the overused “EIGHT”in Italian “Otto” the Lagotto.